Palm Kernel Extract..Villain or Hero?

There has been a lot of debate about Palm Kernel Extract.

I expect you have your own thoughts on it too.

Some dairy companies see Palm Kernel Extract as a villain. It’s high in lauric acid which is a saturated fatty acid with a much higher melting point than the common fatty acids we find in pasture.

And this can cause issues when the resulting milk from cows fed P.K.E is processed into dairy products like butter.

On the other side of the coin, let’s look at five reasons why it’s a hero.

  • P.K.E is kind to rumen bacteria,..they prefer their fatty acids to be saturated [unlike the cow who needs essential unsaturated fatty acids like linolenic and linoleic acid in her diet]
  • you can add and take it away quickly ..there is no need for long adaptation times unlike fodder crops
  • it’s fast and versatile….a quick phone call is all it takes
  • it’s an affordable feed most of the time
  • there is little risk of it causing acidosis… unlike some other feeds like maize kibble,turnips and fodder beet

So I hope this provides you with some ammunition leading into this season when your milk will be tested and graded with a Milk Fat Evaluation Index.

At least for now you won’t be penalized for going above the limit. 

And we have a time to brainstorm some solutions based on the discoveries made over the coming year. 

It would be easier if there were a clear cut correlation between the F.E.I and the amount of P.K.E you are feeding.

But I’ve been hearing that this isn’t the case.

Which must be confusing.

I’m sure that as the deadline draws closer our creativity will increase and solutions will appear as if by magic.