Persistence and Problem Solving

I’ve given up being efficient. “Do it right the first time or not at all!” No, that’s not how I or other people with my modus operandi do things and succeed! Processing my data has been problematic for sure. Each image must have a corresponding label. My lists weren’t of the same length. I had […]


When you’ve gone as far as you can. With the data you’ve got. What’s next? How do you  use the momentum you’ve built to keep going? I’ve shipped what I’ve made so far. A copy of my project notebook in Google Colab complete with code is now available in my GitHub ‘account’. Now for the […]

The Case of The Disappearing Image

I expect you’ve come across this situation too while working on your Machine Learning projects. You’re making progress each day and feeling proud of what you’ve done. Until you don’t. Yes, this is when something unexpected happens and we hit another roadblock, another error. It happened to me in the weekend when I ran my […]

Precession and Goal Setting

Bucky Fuller taught many principles to his students. One of them was PRECESSION, which he defined as: “the effect of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion“. He demonstrated this idea with a story about the honey bee. The bee goes about gathering nectar from flowers to take back to the hive. And as it […]